Penséer Frön (Viola tricolor) 1.85 - 3
  • Penséer Frön (Viola tricolor) 1.85 - 3
  • Penséer Frön (Viola tricolor) 1.85 - 2
  • Penséer Frön (Viola tricolor) 1.85 - 1

Penséer Frön (Viola tricolor)

1,85 €
Inkl. moms

Penséer Frön (Viola wittrockiana)

Pris för Paket med 150+ frön (0,2g).

Culture: Sow May-July outdoors in a cold frame or seedbed to bloom the following spring, or February-April under glass to flower May-September the same year. Hints and Tips: Ideal for beds and borders,

Frön i förpackning :

Penséer Frön (Viola wittrockiana)

Pris för Paket med 150+ frön (0,2g).

Culture: Sow May-July outdoors in a cold frame or seedbed to bloom the following spring, or February-April under glass to flower May-September the same year.  Hints and Tips: Ideal for beds and borders, patio pots and containers, and hanging baskets. Prefers full sun or partial shade. Impressive weather-tolerant plants that can flower year-round, in an amazing range of rich colours. Use them for edging and underplanting, and enjoy their beauty throughout the year.
Height: 15-23cm (6-9")
F 13
1219 objekt

USDA Hardiness zone