Fatalii Chili Seeds 2.5 - 1
  • Fatalii Chili Seeds
  • Fatalii Chili Seeds 2.5 - 2
  • Fatalii Chili Seeds 2.5 - 1

Fatalii Chili Seeds

2,50 €
Fatalii Chili Seeds
Price for Package of 5 seeds.
The Fatalii is a chili pepper of Capsicum chinense that originates in central and southern Africa. It is described to have a fruity, citrus flavor with a searing heat that is comparable to the standard habanero. The Scoville Food Institute lists the Fatalii as the sixth hottest pepper with Scoville units ranging from
Семена в упаковке :

Fatalii Chili Seeds

Price for Package of 5 seeds.

The Fatalii is a chili pepper of Capsicum chinense that originates in central and southern Africa. It is described to have a fruity, citrus flavor with a searing heat that is comparable to the standard habanero. The Scoville Food Institute lists the Fatalii as the sixth hottest pepper with Scoville units ranging from 125,000 ~ 325,000 units.
The plants grow 20 to 25 inches in height, and plant distance should be about the same. The pendant pods get 2.5 to 3.5 inches long and about 0.75 to 1.5 inches wide. From a pale green, they mature to a bright yellow (there are red Fataliis around as well, but the yellow one is the "real thing.")
Culinary Use
The Fatalii is known for its extreme heat and citrus flavor. As such, it makes for a unique hot sauce that usually comprises other citrus flavors (e.g., lime, lemon). The walls of the peppers are very thin, making it very easy to dry. After drying, the peppers can be used as powders.
C 29 Y
99 шт.


Собранные вручную семена?
Собранные вручную семена
Органические семена?
Органические семена
Органический / натуральный?
Виды перца чили ?
Capsicum chinense
Предварительная обработка посева?
Замочить в воде перед посевом 12-24 h
Многолетник ?
Perennial plant : Yes
Производитель ?
Manufacturer: Seeds Gallery
Подходит для горшка?
Suitable for pot: Yes
Вес фруктов ?
Вес плода: до 15 г
Лекарственное растение?
Лекарственное растение: да
200.000 - 350.000 SHU