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Zebra Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus'
  • Zebra Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus'
  • Zebra Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus'
  • Zebra Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus'
  • Zebra Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus'
  • Zebra Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus'
  • Zebra Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus'

Sementes de Grama de Zebra (Miscanthus sinensis Zebrinus)

1,55 €

Sementes de Grama de Zebra (Miscanthus sinensis Zebrinus)

Preço para o pacote de 10 sementes.

É muito fácil de crescer, precisa de umidade média, solos bem vazados em plena luz solar ou em sombra parcial. É tolerante a uma ampla variedade de tipos de solo, desde solos arenosos altamente secos até

Sementes em pacote :

Sementes de Grama de Zebra (Miscanthus sinensis Zebrinus)

Preço para o pacote de 10 sementes.

É muito fácil de crescer, precisa de umidade média, solos bem vazados em plena luz solar ou em sombra parcial. É tolerante a uma ampla variedade de tipos de solo, desde solos arenosos altamente secos até solos argilosos. Prefere solo úmido. Cresceu melhor quando tem luz solar completa. Menos se desenvolve sob as condições de ausência total de luz solar, não floresce o suficiente e tem tendência a secar. É tolerante ao calor elevado e alta umidade. Folhas no chão devem ser cortadas no final do inverno, pouco antes do surgimento de novos lençóis.

Características significativas

Miscanthus sinensis, muitas vezes conhecido como grama de prata chinesa ou grama de prata japonesa, geralmente cresce de 150 cm a 210 cm. É originário das regiões mais baixas do Japão, Coréia e China. Está agora representado em várias áreas e terras.
Esta grama tem folhas e caules densamente agrupados, que dão uma aparência arredondada como a fonte. As folhas são retas e têm pontas pontiagudas, esbranquiçadas ou prateadas, bordas afiadas. As folhas são de tonalidade atraente de amarelo a laranja até o outono e, em seguida, gradualmente, empalidecem na cor bege para o inverno. Flores rosa ou vermelhas, em forma de penas, florescem de agosto a outubro. As flores tornam-se gradualmente bege no final do Outono, à medida que as sementes amadurecem. E a flor e as folhas conservam uma bela forma decorativa durante o inverno, o que pode alterar a neve que cai. A grama zebra é facilmente distribuída, geralmente encontrada ao longo das margens da estrada, da estrada de ferro ou nas extremidades da floresta.O Zebrinus é conhecido como grama Zebra, formado em forma de grupo, conhecido por folhas conectadas horizontalmente. Sua forma típica é de folhas no grupo e os talos de flores sobem acima das folhas até 60 cm, resultando na altura total da grama em floração de até 240 cm. As características das folhas verde-escuras são as faixas amarelas douradas que cruzam horizontalmente a folha a intervalos irregulares (faixas de zebra). Folhas desaparecem gradualmente após a geada. As flores são tons rosa e aparecem no final do ano, crescem acima das folhas, e no final do outono as cores mudam para branco prateado. A flor sobrevive durante o inverno para que toda a planta ainda tenha uma aparência bonita e decorativa.Não há problemas comuns com insetos e doenças. No inverno, pode ser necessário protegê-lo em caso de neve pesada, porque ele tem uma tendência a se curvar ao solo.



Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Tolerant of a wide range of soils from well-drained sandy soils to the heavy clays present in much of the St. Louis area. Prefers moist soils. Best in full sun. Less vigorous with decreased flowering and tendency to flop in too much shade. Tolerant of summer heat and humidity. Clumps slowly expand in circumference by short rhizomes, but typically retain tight clump shape. Foliage should be left standing throughout the winter for visual interest and crown protection. Cut foliage close to the ground in late winter just before new shoots appear. Propagate by division of the crown. This grass will reseed to the point of being somewhat invasive in the milder parts of its growing range. Mulch helps prevent reseeding.

Noteworthy Characteristics

Miscanthus sinensis, commonly known as Chinese silver grass, Japanese silver grass or eulalia grass, is a clump-forming warm season grass that typically grows to 3-7’ tall. It is native to lowlands and lower alpine areas in Japan, Korea and China. It has escaped gardens and naturalized in over 25 states in the Central and Eastern U.S. east of the Mississippi River plus in several western States including Colorado and California.

This grass features a dense clump of upward-arching stems and leaves which give it a rounded, fountain-like appearance. Linear leaves (to 3-4’ long and 3/8” wide) have tapered tips, serrate margins and whitish to silvery midribs. Foliage often turns attractive shades of yellow to orange by mid-fall before gradually fading to beige-tan for winter. Pink to red flowers in feathery, whisk-like, loose terminal panicles (8-10” long) bloom above the foliage from late August to October. Flower panicles gradually turn beige by mid-fall as the seeds mature. Flower panicles and foliage both retain good arching shape, beige color and ornamental interest throughout winter, with enhanced attractiveness often coming from a covering of new fallen snow.

Miscanthus sinensis will spread somewhat invasively in the landscape, particularly in some of the milder areas of its growing range. It often initially spreads to disturbed sites such as roadsides, railroad right-of-ways or woodland margins. Invasive potential for the species is significant, but is of less concern for many of the numerous ornamental cultivars, some of which are sterile.

Genus name comes from the Greek words miskos meaning a stem and anthos meaning flower in reference to the stalked spikelets.

Specific epithet means Chinese.

This grass was once included in the genus Eulalia, but was subsequently reclassified to the genus Miscanthus with retention of its common name of Eulalia grass by many gardeners.

'Zebrinus', knows as zebra grass, is a clump-forming grass noted for its horizontally banded foliage which is reminiscent of both the popular M. s. 'Strictus' and M. s. 'Puenktchen'. However, 'Zebrinus' clumps are rounded, tend to flop and often need support, whereas 'Strictus' and 'Puenktchen' both feature spiky, upright leaf blades in narrower clumps which usually do not need staking. 'Zebrinus' typically forms a substantial foliage clump to 4-6' tall, however it sends up flower stalks to 2' above the foliage clump, thus bringing the total height of the grass to 6-8' tall when in flower. Features dark green leaves with zebra-striped, golden yellow bands extending horizontally across the leaves at irregular intervals. Foliage gradually fades to tan after frost. Tiny pink/copper-tinted flowers appear in tassel-like inflorescences above the foliage in late summer, gradually turning into silvery white plumes in fall. Flower plumes persist well into winter providing good winter interest.


No frequently occurring insect or disease problems. In some areas of the U.S., miscanthus mealybug and miscanthus blight are becoming significant problems. Miscanthus mealybug causes stunted growth and is difficult to eradicate because it lives inside the stems. Miscanthus blight is a fungal disease which attacks the blades and sheaths. Leaf rust may occur.

'Zebrinus' clumps may need staking and are susceptible to collapsing in winter from heavy snows.

Common Name: zebra grass, Maiden Grass Zebrinus, Eulalia Zebrinus, Chinese Silver Grass, Japanes Silver Grass, Zebra-Striped grass.

Type: Ornamental grass

Family: Poaceae

Zone: 5 to 9

Height: 5.00 to 8.00 feet

Spread: 4.00 to 6.00 feet

Bloom Time: August to February

Bloom Description: Pinkish white

Sun: Full sun to part shade

Water: Medium

Maintenance: Low

Flower: Showy

Leaf: Colorful

Other: Winter Interest

Tolerate: Drought, Erosion, Dry Soil, Black Walnut, Air Pollution

UT 14
309 Itens

Ficha informativa

Sementes escolhidas manualmente?
Sementes colhidas manualmente
sementes orgânicas ?
Sementes Orgânicas
Perene ?
Planta perene : sim
Resistente ao frio e da geada ?
Resistente ao frio e ao gelo
Origem das sementes?
Sementes importadas de: Japão

USDA Hardiness zone