متنوعة من ألمانيا

OLD GERMAN Organic Tomato Seeds
  • OLD GERMAN Organic Tomato Seeds
  • OLD GERMAN Organic Tomato Seeds
  • OLD GERMAN Organic Tomato Seeds
  • OLD GERMAN Organic Tomato Seeds

OLD GERMAN Organic Tomato Seeds

1.85 €
شامل للضريبة

OLD GERMAN Organic Tomato Seeds

Price for Package of 5 seeds.

85 days. More than once, our trial farm employees were caught standing in the field with both hands cradling a half-devoured Old German, tomato juice dripping down both arms

البذور في حزمة:
غير متوفر حالياً

OLD GERMAN Organic Tomato Seeds

Price for Package of 5 seeds.

85 days. More than once, our trial farm employees were caught standing in the field with both hands cradling a half-devoured Old German, tomato juice dripping down both arms. Indulge in one of these treasured heirlooms and experience the true meaning of pleasure! Routinely weighing in at over a pound and a half, Old German was one of the largest fruit in our trials. It is both delicious and beautiful with succulent, meaty fruit and golden streaked, reddish skin. Indeterminate.

VT 108 (5 S)


بذور منتقاة بعناية؟
Handpicked seeds
بذور العضوية؟
Organic Seeds
العضوية / الطبيعية؟
Organic/Natural: Yes
صالح للأكل؟
الطماطم متنوعة؟
بذر عمق؟
عمق البذر 3 مم
نبات معمر؟
Annual Plant: Yes
النبات مناسب للنمو؟
The plant is suitable for growing in a greenhouse
The plant is suitable for outdoors cultivation
الشركة المصنعة ؟
Manufacturer: Seeds Gallery
ارتفاع النبات ؟
Plant height (about) 150 - 200 cm
وزن الفاكهة؟
Fruit Weight: 500 g
بلد المنشأ من مجموعة متنوعة؟
Variety from: Germany
معرض البذور يوصي هذا النبات؟
Seeds Gallery recommend this plant!
الاسم العلمي:
Solanum lycopersicum
Sun Exposure ?
Full sun from an early age
Growth Rate ?
Medium Growth Rate
Planting Time?
Planting Time: Spring
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Soil Type?
Soil Type: Any
Watering: Medium
Cultivating Difficulty?
Cultivating Difficulty: Very easy

USDA Hardiness zone